Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dry Production Snapping Back... by almost 2 Bcf!

The EIA has released their latest Nat Gas Dry Production numbers for Mar-2011: about 61.9 Bcf per day.  Compared to Feb-2011 numbers (which were 60 Bcf per day), this is a jump of almost 2 Bcf per day.

Not Bullish... yet the market continues to climb...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dry Production Down in Feb

While perusing the EIA's monthly stats for Feb 2011, I saw that Dry Production decreased by 0.8 Bcf per day from 60.8 Bcf per day in Jan to 60.0 Bcf per day in Feb.  Since Dec 2010, Dry Production has falled by 1.2 Bcf per day.  This is significant and reconciles with my forecasted declines... and I don't think this drop is entirely attributable to freeze-offs (a meme being repeated by the permabears).

So, we are now seeing two months, back to back, with Dry Production declines.  This is interesting.